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Las Pirámides de Guiza

Introducción sobre Las Pirámides de Guiza

Las Pirámides de Guiza constituyen uno de los monumentos más famosos del mundo, un referente único de Egipto y su civilización antigua y el sitio histórico que ningún viajero debería perderse.

Creadas como necrópolis real de los reyes del Antiguo Egipto, las Pirámides de Guiza son el resultado de la evolución y alcance de la perfección de un proceso constructivo a lo largo de toda la historia egipcia, que comenzó con las pirámides de Abu Sir, Saqqara y Dahshur.

Ubicación Geográfica

Por lo general, los antiguos egipcios solían dividir la ciudad en dos partes, la de los “vivos” en la ribera Este del Nilo y la de los “muertos” en la ribera Oeste, en referencia al sol, que nace en el Este y muere en el Oeste.

Las Pirámides de Guiza están situadas justamente en la ribera Oeste, al final de la calle llamada El Ahram (“pirámides”, en árabe) en el distrito de Guiza.
Las pirámides están ubicadas cerca de otros sitios históricos como Saqqara, Menfis y Dahshur.
Se puede acceder a ellas en taxi o bus público desde El Cairo o Guiza. Sin embargo, a los turistas que viajan a Egipto por primera vez, se les aconseja reservar su tour a las pirámides con alguna de las agencias de viajes egipcias confiables.


Las Pirámides de Guiza fueron construidas hace más de 4000 años, exactamente entre los años 2550 y 2480 a.C., y son la Gran Pirámide de Keops, la Pirámide de Kefren y la más pequeña, la Pirámide de Miserinos.

Las pirámides de Guiza formaban parte de la necrópolis real y estaban destinadas a ser el lugar del descanso eterno de los faraones para los cuales fueron construidas.

La primera pirámide fue realizada por el rey Zóser, y es conocida como la Pirámide Escalonada de Saqqara.
El rey Senefru, padre de Keops, construyó dos pirámides en Dahshur, después de un intento fallido, que hoy se puede observar en Meidum, cerca de Fayoum.
Una de ellas, la Pirámide Roja, se cree que es la primera pirámide cuya construcción fue exitosa.
La forma de la pirámide tenía un gran significado en el Antiguo Egipto, según diversos textos y relieves inscriptos en templos y papiros. Los faraones creían que la pirámide cumplía un rol especial en el universo y ayudaba al alma del fallecido en su viaje al más allá. Es por ello que la forma de pirámide puede verse en las puntas de los obeliscos egipcios e incluso en el Valle de los Reyes (Luxor) y otras tumbas y templos.


La Gran Pirámide de Keops

El faraón Keops, el segundo rey de la IV Dinastía del Antiguo Egipto, construyó la Gran Pirámide de Guiza en un área de más de 13 acres. La pirámide originariamente contaba con una altura de 146 metros. Actualmente tiene 137 metros. El largo de cada uno de sus lados es de 230 metros.
Se estima que se utilizaron más de 2 millones de piedras, de 3 a 25 toneladas, para construir la Gran Pirámide.
El complejo incluía un Templo del valle, que conducía al Templo Mortuorio situado al Este de la pirámide, y luego a la pirámide misma.

La entrada a la Gran Pirámide de Guiza está situada en el lado Norte, a 20 metros del suelo. Esta apertura conduce a un corredor que finaliza en una cámara inacabada. Después, hay otro corredor que tiene 35 metros de largo y llega hasta una segunda cámara.
La Gran Pirámide, con su tamaño y medidas precisas se considera un milagro de la arquitectura. Fue una de las Siete Maravillas del Mundo Antiguo, y hasta hoy es uno de los sitios históricos más impactantes de Egipto.

La Pirámide de Kefrén

Es la segunda pirámide y pertenece a Kefrén, el hijo de Keops. La pirámide todavía conserva parte de su revestimiento en la punta. Tiene 144 metros de alto. Su emplazamiento fue hecho sobre una superficie más alta, por lo que parece más alta que la Gran Pirámide. Cada lado tiene 215,5 metros de largo.

La Pirámide de Miserinos

Es la más pequeña y pertenece al hijo de Kefrén, Miserinos. Tiene 66 metros de alto. Cada lado tenía 108 metros de largo, pero debido a que algunas piedras fueron utilizadas para otras construcciones, ahora tiene 102 metro de lado.

La Esfinge

La Esfinge es famosa por haber sido tallada en la roca y tener cuerpo de león y cara humana. Esta estatua gigante custodia las pirámides desde su construcción en el siglo XXVI a.C., y fue construida, probablemente, por el faraón Kefrén. Tiene aproximadamente 57 metros y 20 metros de altura.

The most famous monument in the whole world, a landmark of Egypt and its ancient civilization, and an architectural achievement that still amazes scientists and engineers until today, the Pyramids of Giza is surely one of the historical monuments tourists visiting Egypt should never miss.

Established as the royal necropolis of the kings of the Old Kingdom of the history of ancient Egyptians, the Giza pyramids were the result of many steps and evolutions in the process of building the pyramids. Starting with Abu Sir, Saqqara, and Dahshur, the great pyramid of Giza was the most successful attempt one among all of them. Many travelers who spend their vacation in Egypt admire the greatness of the Giza Pyramids.

How to reach the Great Pyramids of Giza

The Giza Great Pyramid is situated at the end of a road that holds the same name in Arabic, El Ahram Street, at the end of the city of Giza. with the huge shape of the pyramids, you can see them from many places in Giza.

great pyramid of giza EgyptMany ancient cities during the ruling period of the Pharaohs were divided as the city of the living, which is located in the East Bank of the Nile, and the city of the dead located at the West Bank of the Nile and this was where the great Pyramid constructed.

The great pyramid of Giza is located near many other magnificent Pharaonic attractions like Saqqara, Memphis, and Dahshur. The pyramids can easily be reached by a taxi from anywhere in Cairo and Giza, or even with public busses. However, travelers who spend their vacation in Egypt, especially for the first time are always encouraged to book a tour to Egypt with one of the accredited travel companies in the land of the Nile river.

The Pyramid complex of Giza

To build this pyramid complex it took about 2.3 million blocks of stone to be able to create the tombs for the 3 kings. in ancient Egypt, kings used the pyramids as tombs to get bury after their death, as they are kings the tomb had to be marvelous to fit the majesty of kings.

The Grand Pyramid of Khufu

One of the great pyramid builders is pharaoh Khufu, the second king of the 4th dynasty of ancient Egypt, who constructed the Grand Pyramid of Giza. It was built on a surface area of more than 13 acres. The pyramid of Khufu originally had a height of 146 meters and it is now 137 meters high. The length of each of its sides is 230 meters.

great pyramid of giza interesting factsIt is estimated that more than two million stones were used to construct the Great Pyramid of Khufu with the weights of some of them ranging from 3 to 25 tons at the base of the Khufu pyramid. The original layout of the pyramid of Khufu included a valley temple, ascending straits which lead to the mortuary temple from the Valley temple situated to the East of the pyramid, and then the great pyramid.

The entrance to the great pyramid of Khufu is situated in the Northern section 20 meters above the ground. This opening leads to a corridor that takes to an unfinished chamber. Afterward, there is this corridor that is 35 meters in length and it leads to the second chamber of the pyramid.

The second one is made out of limestone and it has a square shape with each side being 5 meters size and it is connected to the burial chamber via a hidden corridor which is about 9 meters in length and 3 meters in height.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu with its gigantic size, accurate calculations, and ingenuity, is considered to be an architectural miracle. built more than 4000 years ago, the pyramid is truly breathtaking.

The Pyramid of Khafre

The Pyramid of Khafre is the second largest pyramid of the 3 Giza pyramids and it belongs to the son of king Khufu. The pyramid still has a part of its outer coat at its top. The pyramid of Khafre is around 144 meters in height. However, it is seen as if it was bigger than the great pyramid of Khufu. This is because it is located on higher ground. Each side of the pyramid of Khafre is 215.5 meters long.

The Pyramid of Menkaure

The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest pyramid in Giza. The son of the ancient Egyptian king Khafre, king Menkaure, built this pyramid which is about 66 meters in height. Each side of the pyramid of Menkaure was originally 108 meters long. However, because some of the stones of the pyramid were taken away to be used in other constructions, each one is now around 102 meters long.

The Great Sphinx of Giza

The Great Sphinx of Giza is this famous large rock-cut statue of a lion that has the face of a man. This huge statue guarded the pyramids of Giza since its construction in the 26th century BC most probably king Khafre is the one who built it. This marvelous statue of the Great Sphinx is 20 feet long and 70 meters in height.

great pyramid of giza and sphinxThe pyramids of Giza are the most popular and famous landmarks of Egypt. A visit to the Giza Pyramids is included in almost all tours to Egypt. Although they were built more than 2500 BC, the pyramids of Giza still present a mystery in their construction and how they fought time in such a way to survive until today.

The History of the Pyramids of Giza

The pyramid complex of Giza was established more than 4000 years ago, exactly between the years 2550 and 2480 BC and the historical site hosts three major pyramids; The Grand Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the smaller pyramid of Menkaure.

The Pyramids were actually the royal necropolis of kings and each great pyramid of Giza used to have the name of the king buried inside it. The pyramids are actually the last step in a long process of evolution of the tombs for the ancient world.

great pyramids of giza insideThe great pyramid at the very beginning was only a simple hole in the ground, then a small room under the ground, then a number of rooms, two or three rooms with a layer of stones above it, and then a number of layers built above each other like the Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara.

In fact the first proper pyramid to be built in Egypt was erected by King Senfru, the father of Khufu; the builder of the Grand Pyramid in Giza. After a failed attempt in the Meidum Pyramid near Faiyum, Senfru had two pyramids built in Dahshur, the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid, the second-largest pyramid in Egypt and the first successful attempt to construct a pyramid in ancient Egypt.

The shape of the pyramids was quite significant in the great old kingdom. According to many religious books and wall carvings. The Pharaohs believed that the pyramids played a role in the cosmogony and that it helped the soul of the deceased to reach the afterworld. This is why the shape of the pyramids can be seen on top of the ancient Egyptian obelisks and even in the Valley temple of the Kings in Luxor. Thank god that the great Pharaohs erected these marvelous monuments that attract travelers all over the world to spend their holidays in Egypt.