Faye Chen & Party | Canada

 We had a great time in Egypt

We have definitely been telling our friends and family of the great time we had in Egypt, and are even trying to convince Eugene’s parents to go next year! But we’ll let you know if we are successful in convincing them!

Thank you for the photos! Eugene and I just finished making a photo album of all our photos (took 2 weeks!!), and we used the wonderful photos that you sent us!


I was just wondering whether you would like some of the photos we took of our time in Cairo? I’m sure you get plenty – but if you want some more, just let us know!


Oh! It’s snowing today in Vancouver!! LOTS. It`s very wet and cold here now! Schools got cancelled for the day, buses are not running, car accidents on the highways…we`re not very good in snowy weather.  Miss the warm weather!


All my best,
