Facts About Queen Nefertiti

Nefertiti is a famous and mysterious name in ancient Egyptian history! Everyone enjoys knowing more about the powerful and beautiful queen.

Queen Nefertiti ruled Egypt alongside king Akhenaten from 1353 to 1336 B.C. and continued after her husband’s death to rule the New Kingdom. Her reign was a very critical time in Ancient Egypt, as her husband Akhenaten officially declared that the official religion in Egypt is to worship the sun god Aten and everyone will believe in only one god.

To know more about the beautiful queen Nefertiti, you have to check the below facts about her:

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Who was Queen Nefertiti?

1. After the research about Nefertiti, the Egyptologists were confused about where the queen came from. They thought she was born in Mitanni (Syria), but her name was an Egyptian word that means “A Beautiful Woman Has Come”. They also think that Nefertiti was the daughter of the Egyptian high court official Ay, who was the brother of Akhenaton’s mother Tiy which makes her totally an Egyptian queen.

2. Nefertiti lived a beautiful love story with her husband Amenhotep IV who changed his name afterward to Akhenaten. She was married when she was 15 and ruled Egypt alongside her husband for a long time. Their love story was clear to everyone at that time, as they used to ride chariots together and show kissing in public in a romantic connection.

3. Nefertiti get birth to 6 daughters from Akhenaten, the first 3 daughters were born in Thebes and the other 3 were born in Akhetaton (Amarna). The Egyptologists believe that two of her daughters became queens of Egypt someday. Another theory said that Nefertiti was the mother of king Tutankhamun, but the examinations of the mummies proved that she was not.

4. Nefertiti and her husband Amenhotep IV declared an official religion to the whole country, all the Egyptians have to worship only one god, the sun god, Aten. Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaten and also named the city Akhetaton where they live, to honor their new god.

5. Nefertiti ruled Egypt in the wealthiest period, She and her husband Akhenaten achieved an artistic boom in Amarna city, which was the capital of Egypt back then. That’s why her husband wanted to present her in all their drawings to be equal to him, like a pharaoh wearing the royal crown, or defeating enemies in battles.

6. Until today, we’re not sure how queen Nefertiti died, her name vanished from all the historical records we found until the 12th year of Akhenaten’s reign. This made us think that she died of a natural cause or maybe from a kind of disease, but after the year 2012, we discovered another bore that holds Nefertiti’s name from the year 16 of Akhenaten’s reign which clearly proves that Nefertiti was still alive until then, but we couldn’t know how she died or why her name disappears in this period yet.

7. Egyptologists are so confused about the location of queen Nefertiti’s tomb until today. They did a great search to discover if she was buried in Amarna, but they didn’t find her mommy in the royal burial site of Amarna. There are many theories about finding her body, but all were wrong. They thought that her body was one of the bodies discovered in the Valley of the Kings, but the examination proved it wasn’t one of them.

8. During the research made to know more about Nefertiti, the Egyptologists found a unique statue called Nefertiti’s bust. This statue was a beauty icon for the female figure from the ancient world. They believe it was made in 1345 BC, and they found it in a workshop belonging to the amazing sculptor Thutmose in 1912 in Amarna city by a German archaeological group. Today, Nefertiti’s bust is located at the Neues Museum in Berlin, and it’s now the most copied artwork in history. I’m pretty sure that you have seen this statue before.

If you’re interested in Egyptian history, Nefertiti’s life is one of their mysterious stories that you will love to know about. We have given you a quick pitch around the history of Queen Nefertiti, and there is more and more to know. The ancient Egyptian mysteries have no end, you can just enjoy the amazing feeling of discovering.

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