200 years ago, humanity was able to solve the puzzle of the ancient Egyptian language, which led to a fascinating knowledge about Egypt’s history.
After all these efforts, we now have Egyptology science which is dedicated to studying Egyptian history.
That’s why, Egypt is now celebrating 200 years passed from the discovery and the decoding of the Rosetta Stone, which was the main hint of reading the Hieroglyphs (Ancient Egyptian language).
This language was a mystery for centuries, the Hieroglyphs’ language was only a pictorial writing found on ancient monuments that we don’t understand.
But finally we were able to crack this code on September 27, 1822, by Jean-Francois Champollion, who was passionate about Ancient Egyptians’ mysterious history.
Champollion was introduced to the heart of this mystery, the Rosetta Stone. This piece of stone was a 720 kilogram slab of grandiosity, a rock similar to granite. In a very exciting moment, Champollion was able to understand this mystery, then he fainted due to the overdose excitement.
The Rosetta Stone has a great historical story that is very exciting and complicated, as much as the decoding of the hieroglyphs’ language.